Category Archives: lists

A List

  1. “I’m here live. I’m not a cat.” I couldn’t stop laughing at this video. I rewatched it oh so many times. (Thank you, Franny Choi, for posting it.)((or for being such a good co-host on the VS Podcast, that I went to look up your twitter afterward and found this.)) ((( <— The feeling reminds me of Allie Brosh’s depression corn. I had a depressive week; this cat laughter shifted things, so that things could be different this week — not all better but different. )))
  2. The artist who takes a form (or a platform) and says, naaah, forget the original brief — let’s dance with it: Jos Charles’s poem “and”. (Context: Midst is creating a way for readers to watch a poem come into existence and take shape through multiple iterations and rough drafts.) ((h/t again to Franny Choi))
  3. Speaking of stretching a form: Hien Pham’s interactive comics <3
  4. The sexiest thing I’ve seen in awhile: The Syncopated Ladies tap-burlesque to this JT song.